Genetics: Thai Lamphun (peanut)
Latitude: 18° N
Height: 3.5 metres
Vegetative: 16-20 weeks
Flowering: 12-18 weeks
Elevation: from 800 to 2200 m.a.s.l. (2600 – 7200 feet)
Aromas: peanut,coffee tree,saturated chicken fat,sandalwood,citrus touches
Flavour: fruity, fragrant, citrus on the palate
Yield: Medium-High
Phenos: 7
Effects: Long-lasting, euphoric, psychoactive, meditative
Characteristics: Unique terpene profile, very characteristic aroma of saturated chicken fat and coffee tree and wet wood.
High resistance to humidity, pests, air currents, very special and powerful effect.


Peanut Thai from Lamphun province stands out from the wide range of Thai sativa varieties in the collection of The Landrace Team growing in an elongated symmetrical shape with wide internodal spaces and thin stems with a citrus fragrance of green mandarins when rubbed, as well as the foliage.

The flowering is exceptional due to its beautiful, slender, fine and pointed shape from the branches to the tips of the large calyxes. It has magic in its way of flowering; the calyxes are robust,resinous and dispersed with an abundance of glandular trichomes with large heads. Some phenotypes create long and beautiful colas with a large number of spikes that tend to grow evenly; in some phenotypes it grows irregularly and more elongated.

This Thai variety stands out in the our collection for its rarity in the pungent aroma and saturated chicken fat with sweet touches of coffee tree and sandalwood. There is also a pinkish orange and reddish purple phenotype.

The coffee tree has a sweet and woody fragrance, we are not referring to coffee, we are talking about a variety of plant that is fast and woody and exceeds 10 meters, it is totally different from coffee and the aromas are very different from traditional coffee, the aroma of coffee tree contains a disgusting sweet woody smell.The flavour of this Thai Sativa is fragrant, sweet, woody on the palate and long-lasting. Powerful long-lasting psychoactive meditative effect.