Father: Nigeria Osun
Mother: Sinai (Egypt)
Generation: F1
Latitude: 34 N
Elevation: 400 m.a.s.l. (1300 ft)
Sowing month: April/May
Outdoor Harvest: Late September – Late October
Aromas: peaches, rose, floral, plastic, childrens vitamins, woody, sharp
Flavour: menthol, peach blossom, astringent
Flowering Time: 8 – 11 weeks
Effect: focused, positive, psychedelicrelaxed, dreamy
Height: 2-4 metres (6-13 ft) in the ground
Characteristics: big central cola, fast growing, hardy, minimal side branching on most phenotypes


Bringing together two powerful sativa varieties to create a fast flowering and potent cultivar. The Sinai is known for being easy to grow, thriving in harsh conditions like the Sinai desert in Egypt and requiring little water and fertilizer. The Nigerian from Osun state  is incredibly potent, producing a “narcotic” sativa effect, filled with bliss and mental ease but adds a heavy body effect that is simply delightful. Adding the Egyptian has brought down the flowering time somewhat as Nigerian can take until November/December in northern climates. This allows those living in the North to have the chance to cultivate a sativa plant that can finish before the weather becomes unsuitable.

Floral clusters are prodigious on this variety, with plants developing large, thick, but airy buds that are dripping with sticky resin. Plants normally grow a large central bud with fewer side branches thanks to the Sinai. Such plants can be highly useful for high density planting. A truly remarkable variety that is highly recommended for the sativa enthusiasts.