Type: Hybrid
Father: Nigeria Osun
Mother: Senegal
Latitude: 34° N
Elevation: 1300 m.a.s.l. (4200 ft)
Generation: F1
Veg: 2-3 months
Sowing months: April/May
Flowering: 12-16 weeks
Height: 3-4 meters (9-13 ft) grown In ground
Aromas: childrens vitamin,sweet pastries,woody,herbal,sharp,earthy
Flavour: sweet & herbal, astringent, fresh
Effect: very energetic,psychedelic,soaring,upbeat,creative,dreamy,
Outdoor harvest: November/December
Characteristics: tall, lanky, lots of branching, long fluffy buds


Crossing Nigerian Males to Senegalese females has brought forth a spectacular cross that has increased the flowering speed and unique terpene profiles that these genetics offer. With many phenotypes starting to flower in August, this long flowering type can be harvested as early as November thanks to the speed demonstrated in Senegalese genetics. The Nigerian adds unique bottled vitamin scents and the Senegal increases the density of the flowers.

While showing thick and dense bud structure, these plants are still airy, fluffy, and coated in resin. The resin is quite sticky like super glue and shows good resistance to pests like grasshoppers and thrives in poor soil with little fertilizer. In fact too much fertilizer can bring about stress, so less is more. Make sure to leave lots of room if growing in a greenhouse as these can easily get out of control. Expect large plants with long side branches sporting large buds of the highest quality. A true gem and blessing to all who encounter this blend of primo African genetics.