Genetics: Namibian landrace
Source: The Landrace Team
Latitude: 23° S
Altitude: 1300 m.a.s.l. (4500 ft)
Size: Very Large
Height: easy over 2 metres+ (6.5 ft+)
Yield: Large (buds aren’t too airy, nice sativa shape)
Flower:  10-11 weeks ((using the 11 hour method)
Aroma: sweet,herbal,fruity perfume,medicine,sweet hash
Flavour: Thick smooth smoke with a light hashish taste with notes of medicine.
Characteristics: strong tall plants,fast growth.Not for indoor growing unless you have space
Effect: a wonderful head high that’s almost orgasmic. You feel so nice and happy to be alive. Energetic, great for a per-work doobie.

A fast growing plant with a lot of space between nodes. Grows very large and stretches a lot during flowering,lots of secondary branches so have some space to grow her.

The buds are nice, a little airy but full, very good trichome production. This would make some great hash or oil.
Because of its size and long flowering outside, using the 11 hour method is a must or highly recommended. If you do it outside the buds will be much fuller and bigger. This girl gets a 9. A little too large for inside so you should grow it on your patio or porch.

The aroma is sweet, herbal with a hint of medicine and finishes with a sweet hashish that kinda lingers in your nose, very nice.
Yield is decent for inside plants, buds are firm and sticky. Branches are a little weak because they don’t have any wind blowing on them to make them strong like outside plants.


The Namibia has the most delicious aroma it makes your mouth water, soft hash aroma with some fruit notes 👍😋 and has the most enjoyable head buzz. It’s quickly becoming my favorite of the crop so far.
The aroma is sweet, herbal with a hint of medicine and finishes with a sweet hashish that kinda lingers in your nose, very nice. Yield is above average, buds are firm and sticky.