Genetics: Pure Bhutanese landrace
Location: West Bhutan
Latitude: 27°N
Elevation: 2200 m.a.s.l. (7200 ft)
Sourced: in situ
Type: Sativa
Seeds: regular
Height: generally tall outdoors, up to 3 metres
Yield: abundant
Sowing: April/May in Bhutan
Flowering: 14-16 weeks (October-November in Bhutan)
Aromas: floral,minty,sweet,herbal,lemon,lime,fruity
Taste: fruity,sweet,floral,mixed berries.
Effects: uplifting,energetic,continuous laughters,cerebral,mind calming and focused,creative
Phenotypes: 4
Characteristics: Generously frosty flowers.Humidity/mold resistant.Multi-branched plants.
Grow type: outdoors, greenhouse,indoors


Vigorous, hardy and tall plants from the Bhutanese mountains around the district of Paro in the west of Bhutan, not far from China to the north and Sikkim further west. The seeds have been collected in situ from a local farmer.

The Bhutanese buds are really good for starting the day as they show their effects in just a few tokes. It delivers an immediate uplifting,energetic, smile-on-my face sativa type of high, followed by peaceful and calming mind effects. Few tokes of this herb will keep your mind buzzing and continuously laughing and in cheerful mode. It also brings motivating effects, ideal for those who suffer from depression or have a hard time getting out of bed.

The smoke has a sweet mix of blended berries which makes you want to keep on toking more and more. Keeps your mouth sweet and fresh. It’s the kind of smoke you can toke on all day and feel good without anxiety attacks.

The flowers are white and bright yellow, covered with resin. As the weather in Paro is considered warm and humid, these plants will not have problems in tropical climates but they also withstand heat equally. These are and can easily become tall plants so if you want to keep the height manageable it’d be better to plant in May.


I finally tried the Bhutnase after a slight curing. I made a hash with all the phenotypes (4) mixed, and the truth is that I really liked it! Each pheno has its strong point, that’s why I decided to make hash with all of them. The first and fastest pheno has a very open and branched structure, buds distributed throughout the branches and a good amount of resin. The smell is herbal and sweet. The fruity pheno has a similar structure to the fastest one, that is, open and branched, but the flowers are not as thick as in the former. However, the calyxes are thicker and the resin is more abundant. The smell is fruity and minty, very pleasant! The purple pheno is similar in smell to the first (fastest) sweet and herbal one, but the structure is columnar, and the flowers are concentrated, above all, at the tips of the branches, the stems are purple and also the flowers acquire a purple hue.

The last phenos, the lime one is in my opinion the plant with the best terpenes. A smell of lime and lemon, very clear. The structure is columnar like the purple phenotype, but taller. This is the tallest plant of all and the flowers are medium sized and well distributed.

In short, a population with quite a bit of diversity and interesting characteristics. Mainly two structures, some open and branched and others more columnar, all of them with great vigour and resistance. The aromas perceived are lemony, herbal, sweet and fruity. The taste is smooth but with character. The effects of the combined hash of all the phenotypes: I would describe them as clear head effects, pleasantly focused, blissful, giggly and with almost no sedation or heaviness, only a sligthtly feeling of calm after an energetic-like effect. Good for starting the day. They have withstood lack of water for weeks, strong heat, high levels of humidity, storms and cold tempertures. They could give very good results under optimal conditions.