Genetics: Kashmiri short flowering
Latitude: 34°N
Elevation: 5,000 ft – 1600 meters
Sourcing: Private donor, sourced on location.
Height: 6-9 ft / 2 – 3m max
Traditional use: Ganja buds, hash and chars
Vegetative: 6 – 8 weeks
Flowering: 8 -11 weeks max (indoors). Late September – Early October outdoors
Aromas: pine,funky engine exhausts,burnt sugar,pink lemonades,chocolate oranges,bubblegums Sweet,fruity,citrus,hashy,turpentine. 
Effects: Potent,meditative,contemplative,clear-headed,uplifting,euphoric,good for high-productivity situations,hiking,working,sports.
Yield: high
Characteristics: Large trichomes.High flower to leaf ratio.Drought and cold tolerant,high mold resistance. Colors tend to fade to golds,coppers, and red wine maroons.Very serrated leaves

At the northernmost tip of India and along the border with Pakistan. In the shadows of the valleys of the Himalayas, you’ll find the hashplants of Jammu & Kashmir. Kashmiri farmers are famous for their hashish on par with the best of Malana, Lebanese, and Moroccan.

The selection towards hash production, year after year, created plants with large, densely-packed trichomes. And unlike most hashplant lines that are not fit for ganja bud production, the sugar leaves of the Kashmir are so thin they nearly disappear when dry.

The structure suggests sativa ancestry from the south, as opposed to the squat, leafy indicas to the north and west. Heavy rains and the risk of early winters create hardy, fast-flowering plants and a long history of cultivation in high humidity lead to long petioles and a high flower to leaf ratio that allows trapped moisture to evaporate.

More often the plants will be multi-topped bushes, rather than Christmas trees, with sturdy branches full of heavily serrated leaves that cut the sharp mountain wind. Flowering starts in early August and runs about ten weeks, finishing in early October at the latest. If left untopped, plants tend to max out around 7ft / 2meters.


the growth is vigorous, the plants are branching spontaneously from the beginning of growth. It has relatively large intermodal spaces. The leaves have long leaflets distinctly serrated. Out of ten plants grown out,  there were two plants with a hint of variegation on the leaves. The weedy smell is quite intense during veg, especially in the morning hours.

After the onset of flowering, the plants develop massive buds  and rapidly forming calyxes.
The volume of the buds increases rapidly, especially during the last two weeks of flowering, which lasts about 11 weeks. At this time, large, distinctive trichomes are formed. The structure of the buds  makes it easy to be trimmed and the leaves are almost absent in the area of ​​the buds making it even easier.

The pheno, which turned beige to red, had sweet ,fruity and citrus aromas with hints of hash in the later flowering cycle.  The green pheno smelled more “chemical” like bubblegum with a slight hint of turpentine with a fruity and floral undertones.

Buds form on many side branches too. This line seems to be very resistant to borytris. Despite the extremely wet summer, most buds remained unaffected by borytris. Buds tend to form foxtails and keep growing. 
New calyxes were still forming. Buds grew significantly in the last weeks before ripening, when a sufficient percentage of amber trichomes had already appeared. If grown for sinsemilla they could be ready for harvest even a week earlier: 9 – 10 weeks

KASHMIR – Smoke report

The smoke is soft, sweet. The lanky pheno leaves you with a bit of sour on the tongue. The smoke smells of frankincense, minty and earthy. The taste is soft, melts on the tongue and is pretty tasty.
Effects: The kashmir is Uplifting, mood enhancer, euphoric, encourages activity. It is a strong high but not paralyzing or incapacitating.


Kashmir is finishing up real quick, and will probably start harvesting ripe flowers in the last week of September.
Squat and bushy plants – I could see these being fun to grow on back porch in a pot – they just seem pretty user friendly, sturdy, fast finishing, low maintenance plants. Right now they have a classic hashy smell, but not too strong yet. We shall see.



Kashmir is very high vibin’ cannabis. The sweet spot of full body effects with clear psychedelic head. A cool plant to grow too! Listening and watching a 1979 Bob Marley show at the Santa Barbara Bowl right now… so good 🙂
Big love and respect to the farmers in Kashmir who developed this variety – amazing!!!


Plant structure: Relatively thin leaves with a large and open branching.
Bud structure: Large and open pine cones, with a tendency towards golf balls rather than spears. 
Aromas:  Lemon,mint-chocolates,bubblegum,kerosene,engine exhaust,candy,gassy,funky